All that life stress has a way of pushing romance to the bottom of the priority list. When did romance drop between mattress flipping and attic cleanout on the priority list? Rekindle those flames without the pressure of planning something big with 52 surprise date ideas.
- All 52 secret dates are sealed in color-coded envelopes. Blue can be done at home; green is something to do during the day; yellow is a day or night out; and orange is a surprise.
- Speaking of surprises, you can also personalize the box with the couple’s first names along with a meaningful month, day, and year.
- Example prompts include: Strike! Hit the bowling alley, loser buys dinner (yellow envelope), and Candlelit dinner. Flip a coin—tails, you’re the chef (green envelope).
- Makes a unique and engaging gift for a couple’s first anniversary (paper).
- Made in the United Kingdom.